In a root system that functions well, roots die off and new roots are formed. Dead root remnants form an ideal growing substrate for pathogenic organisms. These pathogenic organisms are a threat to the healthy roots and can cause them to lose their function, which stresses the entire plant. CANNAZYM helps to keep the root zone clean and properly recycles dead roots - turning them into useful nutrients to be reabsorbed by the plant.
The enzymes in CANNAZYM have many benefits:
- CANNAZYM turns dead roots into accessible forms of elements and carbohydrates, or energy. The plant itself can use these elements and carbohydrates as well as micro-life. Overall, it improves nutrient conditions for plant health.
- CANNAZYM creates conditions that give bacteria and mold less opportunity to flourish. Dead roots can form an ideal environment for pathogens, which are a threat to the healthy roots and cause stress to the entire plant.
- CANNAZYM improves the soil environment. An efficient breakdown of old roots creates a balanced hydrological regime and ideal aeration in the root environment.
CANNAZYM is indispensable if you are going to reuse substrates for growing. The root remains will be rapidly broken down and transformed into advantageous nutrients. This creates less opportunity for pathogens to flourish and improves the air/water pore space balance in the root environment. You can use CANNAZYM during the whole growth cycle.
¿Cómo utilizarlo?
- Shake the bottle well before use
- Dosage: 0.3 fl oz/gal (25 ml/10L)
- Minimal once a week, preferable continuously
- Older (untreated) slabs; double the dose for 1 month
- When reusing the medium; double the dose for 1-2 weeks
- Do not prepare the solution for more than ten days in advance
- Do not use together with products containing hydrogen peroxide
Other directions
- Store in a dark place, away from extremes of hot and cold
Avoid breathing mist/ vapors/ spray. In case of inadequate ventilation, wear respiratory protection.
First Aid: IF INHALED: If breathing is difficult, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If experiencing respiratory symptoms call the POISON CONTROL CENTER at 1-800-222-1222 or doctor/ physician. Dispose of contents/ container in accordance with local guidelines.
Other Hazards: Avoid inhalation of mists. In case of respiratory symptoms: consult the POISON CONTROL CENTER at 1-800-222-1222 or doctor. Contains a total of approx. 0.2% of material that is classified as respiratory allergenic. People who are overly sensitive to this product, which is manifested through asthmatic symptoms, should avoid all contact with the product.
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