CANNA COCO consists of coco fiber pith that is processed under strict quality control to create a pure, consistent product. Our coco is washed and buffered, providing an ideal environment for plants that is ready for immediate use.

    • CANNA COCO medium has a consistent, uniform structure
    • CANNA COCO medium is made with the highest quality, cleanest ingredients, thanks to CANNA's unique production process.
    • CANNA COCO provides amazing water and nutrient holding capacity, which provides resilience to your production system
    • CANNA COCO medium can be re-used and makes an excellent potting mix improver after use.
    • Water with CANNA Coco fertilizers till 10-20% drainage is achieved. Water again with nutrient solution once the plant has consumed 50% of the nutrient solution originally applied. OR, follow along an irrigation schedule based on intended steering goals. 
    • When using a large container, a thin layer of clay pebbles can be put at the bottom of the bottom to increase drainage.