• The substrate can be re-used several times and is also suitable as a soil conditioner.
    • It is eco-friendly, as it is made from coconut husks that are otherwise discarded.
    • CANNA COCO has a homogeneous structure, known for its high quality and as a trusted medium.
    • CANNA COCO has a complex air/water balance that provides the ideal conditions for growing plants.
    • CANNA COCO medium has been carefully buffered to create a fully balanced grow system, ready for planting.
    • Shake up the CANNA Coco slab before use. This is important to create the ideal water / air balance inside the slab. The easiest way to do this is by firmly compressing the sides of the slab or by rolling it over
    • Always check whether sufficient drainage holes are present at the bottom of the slab. If needed make some extra holes
    • It is advisable to add some CANNA Coco A&B nutrient (with an EC of 1.5mS/cm) to the slab until some drainage occurs, one day previous to planting
    • As soon as the plants are in the slab start dripping with an EC of 1.0 – 1.5 mS/cm (depending on the size of the plant and the EC value of the water)
    • As soon as the plants are rooted well, the cuttings are doing well, increase the EC value gradually to a dosage of 1:250. Depending on the EC of the water this should give an EC of 2.0 – 2.8 mS/cm and a pH of 5.2 – 6.2
    • The plastic packaging is 100% recyclable
    • Contents: 12 Liter