Displaying 13 - 24 of 265
Ladybug resting on a green leaf above yellow sunflower petals, highlighting natural pest control in gardening.


Ecologically Friendly or Organic

Towards the end of the last century, a movement began in the more economically developed countries of the world to tighten up regulation on products that were being marketed as ecologically friendl

Parsnips – Grow it yourself


Grow it yourself: Parsnip

Pale yellow, knobbly and uneven, with leaves that can cause serious irritation. No wonder the sweet parsnip was often overlooked in favour of its more attractive cousin the carrot!

Springtails - Pests & Diseases


Springtails - Pests & Diseases

Collembola, otherwise known as springtails, are one of the largest groups of insect-like organisms found in the soil.

Roundworms (Nematodes) and their impact on crops


Worms and their impact on crops - Pests & Diseases

There are huge numbers of worm varieties living in soil and their diets vary widely. in this article we are going to focus on those worms that tend to have a positive or negative impact on crops.

New Light systems


New Light systems

Light is essential to plant life. Plants turn light into sugars, which they need for growth and bloom. Indoor crops have to put up with artificial light, which is not always sufficient.

Barley grass - Grow it yourself


Grow it yourself: Barley grass

Barley grass could well be called the superman amongst foods, the young emperor of health. A bright green supercop to ward off high cholesterol levels and even kill off carcinogens, we’re told.

How plants communicate


How plants communicate

Plants don’t have the same senses as we have but are pretty good at forming a picture of the world around them.

Spider mite - Pests & Diseases


Spider mite - Pests & Diseases

Spider mites affect many crops worldwide. There are well over 1200 species of spider mite, of which more than a hundred can be considered as a pest, and about ten of those as a major pest.

Whitefly - Pests & Diseases


Whitefly - Pests & Diseases

The two species of whitefly that affect many crops are Bemisia tabaci or tobacco whitefly and Trialeurodes vaporariorum or glasshouse whitefly.

Thrips - Pests & Diseases


Thrips - Pests & Diseases

Thrips are recognizable by their small size and long flat shape. The adult thrips has four feathery wings. They can vary in color from gray to yellow or brown.