Displaying 241 - 252 of 265
Mediums for growing


Mediums for growing

If you ask the average person on the street how to grow a plant in a container, they will undoubtedly tell you that you to put some dirt in a bucket or container and then the plant, water it regula

First Time Growing


First Time Growing

Before starting to grow indoors you really do need to think about what you want and above all about what’s possible.


Product line


CANNA AQUA is a user-friendly range of products for recirculating systems, like NFT or ebb and flow on inert mediums such as clay pebbles.

pH acidity: what it does to your plants


pH acidity: what it does to your plants

In this article we will look at pH and acidity and what this means for a plant and the growing environment. First of all, we’ll look at what acidity and pH really are.

Don’t mix brands


Don’t mix brands

Cultivating plants requires time and energy. Naturally every new grower aims for the best results. However you may find out that there’s more to cultivation than just watering the plants!

TERRA, about peat and feed - Part 1


TERRA, about peat and feed - Part 1

We’ll start of by looking at the different types of potting mix available for home growers and we’ve written a section about different types of peat.

Taking cuttings


Taking cuttings

Nothing could be simpler - take a pair of scissors, cut some tips off a plant, place the cut tips into the potting mix and away they go, right? Wrong.

Growing with aquaponics


Growing with aquaponics

Aquaponics is essentially organic cultivation of plants and animals together in a re-circulating closed system (water tank), using water instead of potting mixes.

Oidium and mildew


Oidium and mildew

The terms oidium and mildew refer to a group of phytopathogenic fungi that cause diseases in plants and have similar symptoms.

Plant hormones


Plant hormones

Hormones are organic molecules that can influence the physiology and development of plants and animals even at low concentrations.