Displaying 253 - 264 of 265
Roots and root hairs


Roots and root hairs

Roots are one of the most important parts of the plant for taking up nutrients and water. For some growers, they are so important that they always check the root system before watering.


Product line


CANNA SUBSTRA is a professional, fast working nutrient for cultivating plants on inert substrates (rockwool, sand, clay pebbles) in which the drainage water is not returned to the nutrient tank but

Water types, quality and treatments


Water types, quality and treatments

Good quality water is the foundation of all soilless growing, however not everyone is blessed with a suitable water source for hydroponics.

Growing with COCO


Growing with COCO

Coco or coir is the outside layer of coconut husks (or mesocarp) which consists mainly of coarse fibres but also finer material known as `coir dust’.

Hard water and soft water


Hard water and soft water

All over the world, questions pour in as to the distinctions between hard water and soft water and how these differences affect how and what plants are fed.

Plants and plagues


Plants and plagues

Plague. The word conjures up visions of rats crawling with fleas ready to leap on unsuspecting humans to infect them with the deadly plague bacteria yersinia pestis.

Characteristics of rock wool


Characteristics of rock wool

Rockwool, a lightweight hydroponic substrate is made from spinning molten basaltic rock into fine fibers which are then formed into a range of cubes, blocks, growing slabs and granular products.